The Line of Best Fit
Yong Shu Hoong
I don’t know what makes
the perfect wave.
The description about how “the ideal wave breaks
and peels down the line” means nothing
to me. I do not surf
but I know there are things
I get on, as opposed to
what I let slip.
A perfect wave is different
from the perfect storm, where
bad factors, rather than all
things good, concur.
The perfect storm can never be
bent into the desired
silhouette – which, to me,
is shaped exactly like a bell jar.
My perfect scenario: in
the vacuum of inaction, the right numbers
fall into the right places, without my
God-like intervention.
Happiness cannot be normally
distributed. Is there even
such a thing as the perfect
wave? Anyway, shhh…
You didn’t hear it from me. As
a parting gift, I wouldn’t wish
for you to be trapped under
the weight of the curve – whether
you’re a candle, a ringing bell
or a mouse. So what
if you’re not contained by the line
of best fit? For all I care,
you can pry yourself
from my immovable gaze. Go!
As you are. Afloat or below.
Make your peace with variable
waves – and I, mine.