For Marj
Sandra Torrijos
In the presence of Marj, you have to be awake; otherwise, you will never know when her ancient wand will touch you. In my case, she invited me to come to Bohol with her two visiting German friends. I was at first hesitant (feeling shy that my English was not good enough). But Marj encouraged me, “They don’t speak so much English,” which decided it for me. The reason why I went was to understand the roots of her poetry.
This decision has changed my life forever, and what followed were more stories of adventures and, with it, life’s lessons.
Caravan of The Waterbearers
It was in Paco Park I listened to Marj read this poem. I was 26 years old. Since then, I felt something beautifully infinite has touched me. Our friendship deepened in the early 1990s as I became a frequent visitor at WICCA’s events and would regularly visit her in Hagdang Bato for a quiet afternoon of tea in her Zen garden. I miss those days, Marj!
Many years have gone by, and far distances traveled, but we have remained connected primarily through our art, memories, and visits.
Dear Marj, you have drank from the fountain of Life and have shared them with us, the woman singing from the hills. We celebrate with you.
Thank you for your love and friendship.